Stationware is PC compatible software programmed to run alongside the HP Chemstation software. GCFID data is collected and processed by the HP Chemstation while ChemCharm generates GCO data. Simultaneous real-time collection and reporting of both FID and GCO data is supported when splitting detector end effluent. Sniff responses are automatically indexed to the standard of choice with both Kovats and ethyl ester indexing supported. Text utilities generate user-defined odor descriptors in data collection mode. Data Analysis options include joining sniff files in series for dilution analysis (CharmAnalysis™) with the Charm algorithm calculating the relative odor potencies of responses or their relative peak heights to determine FD values. Report options include response scaling, dilution factors, manual and automatic odor-peak integrations and data grouping.
Hardware: HP computer with CDRW, 10 GB hard drive; ethernet, firewire, USB connectivity; HP Jet Direct I/O interface; 16 “ Flat Panel Display Monitor. Software: HP Chemstation for GC ; ChemCharm 1.0 (DATU Inc.).